The first video show the Bojutsu of Oyata Seiyu shinshii (with Rokushaku-bo and Yonshaku-bo). This Bojutsu is from the Ufugusuku (Oshiro) family tradition, and was a system developed for use by Suigusuku (Shuri-castle) guards. The methods employed by these guards needed to include nonlethal force including even methods that could end an encounter with minimal injury (when the opponent post a minimal threat and/or was little more than a belligerent nuisance).
The second video is of Isa Kaishu shinshii, and shows the Ufuchiku ("Police Chief") system of Bojutsu. Like the Suigusuku guards, the law-enforcement professionals of Okinawa were expected to be able to subdue individuals who posed only a low to moderate threat without causing serious (especially permanent debilitating) injury. So they also utilized similar entanglement methods and disarms.
Finally, the third video is a clip of the Udundi system of Bojutsu preserved by Motobu Choyu shinshii and his heir Uehara Seikichi shinshii. This system of bojutsu is fairly similar the previous two systems, but is more fluid and uses larger and more circular movements with the aim of throwing the opponent (as opposed to just disarming him and/or forcing him to the ground). The method is more sophisticated, but IMO also somewhat less practical, most likely due to the fact that the Udun would rarely (if ever) need to employ their skills and developed increasingly refined methods (that were also more removed from the harsh realities of real self-defense).
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ReplyDeleteWow, interesting technique sure I will watch this video will try to learn that technique. Though I am taking training in Martial art and already have a DVD on Martial techniques ordered from "WKC Martial Arts Supplies"
ReplyDeleteAmazing video! It's interesting watching experienced fighters showing their skills. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteGreat videos. I learned a lot from watching these thanks for posting.
ReplyDeleteGreat videos! I enjoyed watching the differences of each system. Thanks for posting!
ReplyDeleteThank you for an excellent video and descriptions of these bojutsu systems.
ReplyDeleteI have always had a deep respect for the martial systems that originated in Okinawa, since I studied Ryukyu Kobujutsu in my youth. What impressed me most of all about these weapon systems is that they have an application in practical combat in today's world, if one is even a little adaptable.
Thank you for comparing different systems - one of the most interesting thing about the martial arts is the way different systems evolve over time, bringing variations to what what once perhaps a single system of combat.
It would have been good to live in the times when these systems of bojutsu first evolved - to cut one's bo staff with one's own hands, to learn under the original masters, to perhaps watch as each system evolved!
Thank you for a truly enlightening post.
ReplyDeleteThis above represented article is just awesome along with all the useful information regarding Martial Arts...Keep posting..Very nice post...
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Wow its amazing.
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ReplyDeleteThis above post is quite awesome along with best martial arts visual...Very assisting post...Thank you too much.......
irvine martial arts
I really like these old weapon styles of okinawa - and especially the differences between schools. The rakushaku bo is an interesting weapon - it is even more interesting to compare bojutsu to naginatajutsu - I wonder which martial form would be more effective in randori?
ReplyDeleteGyokku Ninja Clan
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Hmm, now that I think of it, despite the 'jutsu' designation, bojutsu is obviously a less lethal style than the naginata - after all, that's exactly why ancient armies carried the naginata or the Yari, rather than the bo. The long staff was ever the resort of 'irregular' forces - village resistance fighters, like the people of Okinawa, thieves like Robin Hood :) even some clans of the legendary ninja. If one needed a weapon that one could claim was NOT a weapon, the Bo staff prevailed. However, in COMBAT..... the naginata would decimate a wielder of a mere bo staff.
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DeleteMr Parker, Please accept sincere formal apologies for linking back to website. We are not very technologically experienced, and sometimes make foolish mistakes. We now know better. Thank you for spreading knowledge of Okinawan arts - it is very important thing you do. Keep up the great videos and writing!
DeleteThanks again for the read, very good material
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